Model Course


「凌霄花(のうぜんかずら)」 の古寺をめぐる



Model Course

Konin-ji Temple

Konin-ji Temple

Konin-ji Temple

The temple and hall are lined up on the side of a small mountain 180 meters above sea level, with the main hall at the center. It is said that Kobo Daishi founded this temple in 814 at the request of Emperor Saga. The principal image is the wooden Kokuzo Bodhisattva. During the Muromachi period, most of the temple was destroyed by the military fire of Hisashi Matsunaga, and the current main official was rebuilt in 1629 by the monk Sozen. The wooden standing statue of Myojo Bodhisattva [Important Cultural Property] is currently being deposited at the Nara National Museum. It is famous for the Thirteenth Pilgrimage (April 13th).