Model Course


「水仙(すいせん)」 が咲く古寺めぐり



Model Course

Byakugo-ji Temple

Byakugo-ji Temple

Byakugo-ji Temple

Located on a hill at the western foot of Mt. Takamadoyama, the temple grounds overlook the city of Nara. There are various theories about its origin, with one saying that it was built on the site of the mountain villa of Prince Shiki, a son of Emperor Tenchi. It is said that it was rebuilt during the Kamakura period by Kosho Bodhisattva Eison, who restored many temples. After Dosho, a disciple of Eison, brought back a copy of the Sung version of the Issai-kyo from China, it was also called ``Issai-kyo Temple,'' and its principal statues include Buddha statues that are important cultural properties, such as the seated statue of Amida Tathagata and the seated statue of King Enma. Eight of them are kept in the treasure house. There is an old Goshiki camellia tree, a prefectural natural monument, on the grounds, and it is famous as one of Nara's three famous camellias. In addition, in autumn, the stone steps leading to the shrine are decorated with beautiful clover flowers. (Photo provided by Byakugoji Temple)


Hannya-ji Temple

Hannya-ji Temple

Hannya-ji Temple

Built in the end of 6th century, Hannyaji-temple became a temple to protect the kimon or the gate facing the north-east of the former capital, Heijō-kyō. Since it is located at an important point on the Nara Kaidō road, many of the temple structures were lost to fires caused by various outbreaks of war. However, temple treasures such as the rō-mon gate (National Treasure) from the Kamakura period, known for its elegant beauty, the thirteen-story stone pagoda built by a mason called I-no Yukisue from Sung Dynasty China, which is the one of the largest in Japan, and the statue of the bodhisattva Monju riding a lion with its powerful design and shape, are all impressive. It is also known as the Flower Temple, since it possesses flowers blooming in each of the four seasons such as cosmos, daffodils and kerria japonica, etc. It is a breathtaking view when the flowers of cosmos fill the temple precinct, and that is why it has come to have another name, the Cosmos Temple.