Kissa Ryoan


Kissa Ryoan is a place to learn about tea ceremony, located in a quiet area with lush greenery, northwest of the Heijo Palace ruins and the First Daigokuden, and about a 5-minute walk east of Kintetsu Heijo Station. We offer tea ceremonies, tea ceremony experiences, and tea ceremony lessons in an authentic tea room. Even beginners can easily enjoy the tea experience. If you make a reservation for 2 or more people, we can also pick you up from the nearest station or bus stop (advance notice required). [Initiatives for security, safety, and cleanliness] ・Installation of disinfectant ・Ventilation ・Avoidance of the “Three Cs” by private reservations *As of December 2020

Detailed information

Address 349-5 Misasagi-cho, Nara 631-0803
Opening Hours

10:00-18:00 (until 17:30 in winter)

Closed day

Every Wednesday


2 regular cars (advance notice required when using)

Inquiry 0742-81-7407 (Cafe Ryoan)
Access & Bus Stop Approximately 5 minutes' walk from Heijo Station on the Kintetsu Kyoto Line Approximately 15 minutes' walk from Kintetsu Yamato-Saidaiji Station, or approximately 6 minutes by car (taxi)

Map & Access