Fuku-in Temple


This is an old temple of the Shingon Ristsu sect, whose principal image is Fukukensaku Kannon, with Mt. Kasuga in the background. According to Daijo-in Temple and Shrine Miscellaneous Records, there is a description that during the Nara period, Ganjin Wajo, who came from China, lived in Fuku-in, and during the Heian period, during the Konin era (810-824), Kobo Daishi lived there. It is said that Kukai proposed the construction of an octagonal hall here at Fukuin Temple as a model for the Nanendo Hall of Kofukuji Temple, and wrote a prayer. During the Kamakura period, during the period when the precepts were being revived in Nanto, the principal image of the temple, the Fuku Honsaku Kannon, was enshrined in the octagonal hall. It is said that the four Ritsu monks, Enharu of Fukuin Temple, Eison of Saidaiji Temple, Kakumori of Toshodaiji Temple, and Ugon of Saihoin Temple, taught their precepts here and imparted them to many sentient beings. It is also known as ``Fukui no Daishi'' (Fukui is the old name of the place, which originates from ``Fuku'' = ``Fuku''), and is worshiped as a temple for the salvation of women.

Detailed information

Address 1365 Takabatake, Nara City, 630-8301
Opening Hours

9:00 - 17:00 (Reception for admission until 16:30)

Closed day

No holidays


Not available


Special admission to the main hall (only during the spring and autumn special admission periods) Individuals: 600 yen (no group fees) Admission to the precincts is free (admission is free) Special admission in the spring: Late April to early May Special admission in the fall: From late October onwards Early November: Individuals can only visit the main hall during a special viewing period. Groups can visit all year round (reservations required/10 or more people). *The secret Buddha Uga Benzai Tennyo is only open to the public during special viewings.

Inquiry 0742-26-2910 (Fukuin)

New Year's Day Revised Meeting: January 1st First Daishi Memorial Service: January 21st Setsubun Party: February 3rd Mikageku: April 21st Jizo Bon Summer Festival: July 24th Uranbon Segaki Party: August 21st Butsumei Ceremony・Goma memorial service: November 21st


[Enkiri-san/Enmusubi-san] Fukuin has a long history as a ``Enkiri-dera'' or ``Kakekomi-dera'', and worshipers still visit to pray for ``Enkiri-san''. The gods Enmusubi (Ichikishima Hime Okami and Kuroryu Okami) and Enkiri (Horyu Daizenkami) are enshrined side by side in the shrine within the shrine grounds. (Free admission)

Access & Bus Stop From JR Nara Station or Kintetsu Nara Station, take the city circulation bus for 10 minutes and get off at "Wariishi-cho", then walk for 10 minutes.

Map & Access