Imanishi Shoin


The Imanishi Shoin is a shoin-zukuri style building that best conveys the style of the Muromachi period. It is also a valuable relic in the history of architecture, and you can enjoy matcha tea while looking out at the well-maintained garden.

Detailed information

Address 24 Fukuchiincho, Nara 630-8381
Opening Hours

10:00-16:00 (admission deadline 15:30)

Closed day

There are holidays on Mondays, summer and winter, but the days are irregular depending on the year. *It may be reserved for events, etc.


Not available


Adult: 350 yen

Inquiry 0742-23-2256 (Imanishike Shoin) FAX: 0742-27-3585

Weeping cherry tree: 1 tree in mid-April Hagi (white): 1 tree in September Autumn leaves: 1 tree in mid-November Camellia: 20 trees from mid-December to around March


Walking is convenient during the tourist season.

Access & Bus Stop 8 minutes by bus bound for Tenri Station from JR/Kintetsu Nara Station, 1 minute walk from Fukuchiincho stop. 15 minutes walk from Kintetsu Nara Station.

Map & Access