Fukuchi-in Temple


Kiyomizu Temple in Heijo (Nara), which was given to the priest Genho by Emperor Shomu in the Nara period, was rebuilt in the Kamakura period with the cooperation of the priest Jitsunobu of Kosho Bodhisattva Eison Daijoin of Saidaiji Temple. There is a wooden statue of Jizo Bodhisattva, an important cultural property.

Detailed information

Address 46 Fukuchiincho, Nara 630-8381
Opening Hours

9:00-16:30 (all year round)

Closed day

Irregular holidays




Adults: 500 yen University: 500 yen High school: 500 yen Junior high school: 500 yen Elementary school: 250 yen For special exhibitions Adults: 600 yen University: 600 yen High school: 600 yen Junior high school: 600 yen Elementary school: 350 yen

Inquiry 0742-22-1358 (Fukuchiin) FAX: 0742-22-1398
Barrier Free Accessibility


Discount for Disabled Visitors


Senior Discount



Jizo Bon: July 23rd 17:30~

Access & Bus Stop minutes by bus bound for Tenri Station from JR Nara Station or Kintetsu Nara Station, 3 minutes walk from "Fukuchiincho" bus, 8 minutes by bus bound for Shimoyama

Map & Access