Takisaka-no-michi path


Takisaka-no-michi path is the first half of Yagyu Kaido (if starting from downtown Nara City). This is an elegant course with cobblestone pavements paved with uneven stones. The stone pavement is thought to be the remains of renovation work that was carried out to improve the passage of traffic on the road around the time when the Yagyu family became the kendo instructors of the shogunate and became feudal lords. There are many stone Buddha statues that were worshiped by mountain Buddhism left on the Takisaka road, and they still quietly watch over people passing by on the Yagyu Kaido. This path, where you can walk while feeling the crisp and clear air and listening to the murmuring of the river and the rustle of the trees, will purify your mind no matter when you visit.

Detailed information

Address Nara City, Nara Prefecture 630-8212
Access & Bus Stop Take a bus (city circulation, etc.) from Kintetsu Nara Station and get off at the "Wariishi-cho" bus stop, then start near the Takabatake-cho intersection.

Map & Access