Nakano Museum of Art


Works by artists representing the modern Japanese art world are on display. Kagaku Murakami, Hamitsu Irie, Ryuzaburo Umehara, Ryusei Kishida, Kunitaro Suda, Koun Takamura, etc.

Detailed information

Address 9-946-2 Ayameikeminami, Nara 631-0033
Opening Hours

10:00-16:00 (admission deadline 15:45)

Closed day

Closed on Mondays (the following day if Monday is a holiday), year-end and New Year holidays, and other temporary closings.


5 cars free


Adult: 600 yen University: 500 yen High school: 500 yen Junior high school: 250 yen Elementary school: 250 yen

Price (Group)

Adult: 500 yen University: 400 yen High school: 400 yen Junior high school: 200 yen Elementary school: 200 yen Group rate applicable 20 or more people

Inquiry 0742-48-1167 (Nakano Art Museum) FAX: 0742-48-1167
Discount for Disabled Visitors

300 yen (including one caregiver)

Senior Discount

500 yen (over 65 years old)


Insider Tip: The collection includes works by artists representing the world of modern Japanese art, including Kagaku Murakami, Namitsu Irie, Ryuzaburo Umehara, Ryusei Kishida, Kunitaro Suda, and Koun Takamura. The autumn exhibition will feature unreleased works by Koshiro Onchi, Katsura Funakoshi, and others.

Access & Bus Stop 8 minutes walk from the south exit of Kintetsu Gakuen-mae Station, next to Yamato Bunkakan

Map & Access